Don’t judge what you can’t understand.

  Truth in ever sense of the word. You truly can’t think you know what someone else is going through. Every person is viewing life from their own perspective, experience, and inner feelings. What one is going through, has multiple layers so deep that surface answers or judgement won’t suffice. This is why we have to go within ourselves to get the answers we’re looking for. Who else knows you better than you. Don’t judge what you can’t understand!

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This Article Has 4 Comments
  1. Anonim spune:

    Usor de zis greu de facut happy

  2. Alexandra V spune:

    Din pacate am avut si eu momente in care ii judecam pe altii pur si simplu… ca eram eu mai cu mot (si mult mai tinerica), insa din fericire m-am maturizat din acest punct de vedere si nu-mi mai permit nici o secunda sa ii judec, indiferent de motive. Pana nu patesti, nu te inveti minte!

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