friends quotes

addiction quotes

Friends have your back!

friends have your back
...and they are loyal to you, never gossiping about or exploiting your sensitivities when you, or they, are feeling low (or anytime). Friends have your back and you have theirs whether directly or indirectly. When you have found this kind of trust, you are blessed (esp by knowing enough to not settle for less which some learn the hard way).…read more

Take care of your friends

You just can't be mad at them for too long. They mean so much to you & have a great impact on your life. You share your deepest thoughts with them & they accept you for who you are. They understand you more than anyone else. They bring laughter, joy, happiness into your life. Someone like this deserves to be…read more

Oamenii (mei) de calitate

  Sunt rari oamenii care au si suficient caracter si destula competenta pentru a-ti fi prieteni adevarati - probabil doi sau trei in intreaga viata. Eu sunt norocoasa, i-am gasit si-i onorez pentru ca ei ma ajuta sa devin un om mai bun si mai autentic, sunt cei care imi arata defectele fara a-mi rani sentimentele; sunt cei care au rabdare,…read more