Quote of the Day
martie 14, 2011
Don't back down when you made a commitment. It's the same as breaking a promise. You don't only break a promise, you break trust!read more
Quote of the Day
martie 5, 2011
"Nu trebuie să înveţi cum să-ţi alegi gândurile, la fel cum îţi alegi hainele cu care te îmbraci în fiecare zi. Asta e o chestie pe care poţi s-o exersezi. Dacă vrei aşa de tare să îţi controlezi viaţa, lucrează asupra minţii tale. E singurul lucru pe care ar trebui să încerci să-l controlezi.” - Mănâncă, roagă-te , iubeşteread more
Quote of the Day!
februarie 26, 2011
Every cell in the human body regenerates on average every seven years. Like snakes, in our own way we shed our skin. Biologically we are brand new people. We may look the same, we probably do, the change isn't visible at least in most of us, but we are all changed completely forever. - Grey`s Anatomyread more
Quote of the Day!
februarie 22, 2011
Just remember that the Devil was the most beautiful angel in heaven, so don't allow beauty to fool you. -Rambo Amadeusread more
Quote of the Day
februarie 21, 2011
"We all want to grow up. We're desperate to get there, to grab all the opportunities we can... to live. We're so busy trying to get out of that nest... We don't think about the fact that it's going to be cold out there... really freakin' cold. Because growing up sometimes means leaving people behind. And by the time we…read more