addiction quotes

addiction quotes

Friends have your back!

friends have your back
...and they are loyal to you, never gossiping about or exploiting your sensitivities when you, or they, are feeling low (or anytime). Friends have your back and you have theirs whether directly or indirectly. When you have found this kind of trust, you are blessed (esp by knowing enough to not settle for less which some learn the hard way).…read more
addiction quotes

Happy Friends Day!

friends day
Happy Friends Day!!! Everyday. ✌ Friends share all our ups and downs in life. Secrets which cannot be shared with parents, can be shared with friends. Friendship is a band which ties two souls together. Friendship starts even before you enter the world! Friendships come in all sorts of forms: serious ones, like the college friend you discuss movies with, silly ones, like…read more
addiction quotes

Respecta-ma daca te respect!

 Pentru a fi in ” conformitate ” cu quote-ul de mai sus, in ceea ce ma priveste that’s the meaning of true friendship. Respecta-ma daca te respect! Din toate punctele de vedere.

Si mergand la subiect…

Eu nu cred in ” vorbe spuse la nervi ” ,prin urmare… nu le iert. Sau ok, hai sa nu exagerez, le iert celor importanti, dupa un timp, dar nu le uit. Nici n-am cum, daca dor.

Prefer de o mie de ori sa mi se spuna totul in fata, de la lucruri minore-la cele majore, si acele lucruri sa NU fie discutate cu terte persoane,si mai ales,sa nu FIU discutata, cand nu sunt de fata! Prefer sa ma simt lezata de ceea ce aud, intristata si deranjata, dar sa le stiu, EU, nu altii.

Ai o problema cu mine, te deranjeaza ceva la mine, pai discut-o CU MINE. Indiferent de ce reactie(poate normala la urma urmei) as putea avea.
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