” I’d rather have an enemy who slaps me in the face than a friend who stabs me in the back. „
We need to realize that our enemies are in disguise, they could be right under your eyes…
” I’d rather have an enemy who slaps me in the face than a friend who stabs me in the back. „
We need to realize that our enemies are in disguise, they could be right under your eyes…
Decat sa porti grija dusmanului mai bine sa fii atent la prietenul de langa tine.
Si vrea sa te imbratiseze sa fii atent la ce tine in mana.
În loc de comentariu: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7360/10532164924_896a2cc1eb_o.jpg
Can I hug you? N-am nimic la spate…….. cred. )
Nu ma bazez pe ” cred „, mers doar pe ” sigur ‘. )