I love people who are open-minded, people that get me and understand me, people who just vibe with whatever I’m talking about. There’s nothing more beautiful than a person with an open heart and open mind…
Lessons learned: Friends matter most!
august 23, 2015
Lessons learned: Grateful
iulie 19, 2015
Through the twist and turns of life, I find myself so grateful for my friends. Even though sometimes the days can seem so dark, and my heart can feel so hurt, I am never alone; my friends are beside me. Thank you all, from A to I. :)) read more
Lasa si mergi mai departe!
iunie 23, 2014
There are always going to be certain people within our lives that will slow us down from our forward progression if we choose to allow them to do so. There is a point in many people’s lives that they must realize that instead of chasing the ones who ignore them, that they must love the ones who love them completely.
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Morning quotes: Stress out
noiembrie 28, 2013
Saying yes to happiness means learning to say no to the things and people that stress you out.read more
One step closer to… 7.
noiembrie 11, 2013
No matter where our path takes us, I'm right here for you! I ADORE you, love. " Ştiţi că vă iubiţi când noţiunea de-a rămâne toată viaţa împreună vă sperie pentru că...e prea puţin. "~ Diana cu vanilie read more
Sa gasim fericirea, e usor?
aprilie 21, 2013
Nu este usor sa gasim fericirea in noi insine si nu este posibil sa o gasim in alta parte. Adevarata fericire in noi o gasim si ceilalti doar o dezvolta sau... nu!read more