love quotes

addiction quotes

Your job on Earth…

yourself love
Your biggest job on Earth is to love yourself, to learn how to love yourself. And it won’t always be easy. Sometimes that will be very, very challenging. Yet many times, that journey will be very, very wonderful. And with that goal as your focus, everything else will fall into place. Greater desire to be here, the desire to be.…read more
addiction quotes

Love is…

love is
Love is... ...something like the clouds that were in the sky, bbefore the sun came out. You cannot touch the clouds, you know but you feel the rain and know How glad the flowers and the thirsty earth are to have it after a hot day. You cannot touch love either, But you feel the sweetness that it pours into…read more
addiction quotes

What is love?

 Cred ca toti ne-am pus intrebari privind definitia clara a dragostei. Desigur, nu exista nici o definitie a unui sentiment atat de complex ca dragostea si nici o modalitate de a o descrie intr-o singura fraza. Dar… putem incerca!

So.. what is love?

1. Lucrurile marunte care conteaza:

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