Don’t you ever, ever think that you are alone in this world. When you’re feeling down, lonely, as if you walk this road alone, stop. Stop and look around you. There is always someone. There will always be someone. And if you see no-one, look deeper. Maybe that someone you need lies inside of you. You will never, ever in this world be alone. Just remember that C aaaand C!
Not alone!
addiction, alone pictures, bro, bubu, friends, hope, lonely quotes, Morning quotes, not alone, someone is there
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This Article Has 10 Comments
Articolul tau incurajeaza.Eu una ma simt mai sigura, e important ca cineva sa iti reaminteasca ca esti iubit!!!
Astfel de incurajari mai gasesti pe aici. Le postez din acelasi motiv, imi place sentimentul pe care il am in momentul in care le citesc, imi schimba starea!
Spun si eu ca Dana, merci.
Pentru nimic.
Never alone again! It’s too sad to be alone
Incredibil insa noi suntem norocoase, numai singure nu suntem
Thanks bubu! Intotdeauna stii sa ma incurajezi si sa imi dai forta de a merge inainte! Te iubi!
I miss you!
Si eu bubule!! Saptamana trecuta pe vreme asta eram pe drumuri,

Mai bine singur decat cu persoane false in jur
Sa inteleg ca doar de astfel de persoane ai parte sau ce vrei sa spui?