You loved me when I was broken… rescued me from despair, wrapped your arms around me, said „baby, don’t worry I’m here!”.
You’ve given me warmth and patience; you helped me start to heal, a man who uses words, not hands, to express the way he feels. You’ve given me your friendship, the foundation of our love… you held my heart inside your hand, a warm and gentle hug. You’ve given me fidelity, a rare and precious find.
You’ve given me inner peace, a strength I’ve never known and because of all you gave to me, I’ve blossomed and I’ve grown. So on this day, your day of birth, as I celebrate your life, I’m thanking God that you`re mine.
Happy birthday, love of my life!!! I adore you!
Draga mea, iti citesc blogul de multi ani, sa fie cam 5 si iti stiu fiecare dedicatie pentru el si pentru voi. Imi dati speranta ca iubire adevarata exista si sper sa sunteti constienti cat de norocosi sunteti ca va aveti asa.
La multi ani, iubitului tau. Sa te aprecieze in continuare!
Stiu Ana ca-mi esti fidela si iti multumesc. La fel si pentru apreciere si urari!
La multi ani lui A.! Langa tine are tot ce e mai frumos si mai sanatos! Va pup
Multumim frumos.
Iupiii! La multi ani si din partea mea! Am recapatat acces la net la fix ca sa va urez
Iti multumeste! Te imbratisez.