Being taken advantage of is something that those of us with a kind heart have to deal with on the regular. This doesn’t mean that we should just let our hearts become hardened and not try to help our fellow man when we experience these situations, it just means that we have to be willing to switch up our approach. read more
Concentreaza-te spre ce va fi!
Vorbeam zilele trecute cu o persoana foarte apropiata mie de ” ciudateniile ” vietii, de cat de mult ni se poate schimba viata, de la an la an…
Mi-a zis pe sleau, cum si prefer sa mi se spuna, ca mi-s omul trecutului. In sensul ca sunt prinsa de trecut si ma tin de el. Nimic deranjant in asta, pentru ca asa si este. Eu nu stiu sa-mi iau ramas bun de la etapele care se termina, nici de la oamenii care prefera alt drum, poate pentru ca m-am implicat PREA mult… Stau prin preajma, ma razgandesc in privinta oamenilor, flutur steagul pacii, si… e gresit. read more
Lessons learned: Dare to be!
Dare to Be
When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.
When there is darkness, dare to be the first to shine a light.
When there is injustice, dare to be the first to condemn it.
When something seems difficult, dare to do it anyway. read more