Sfarsitul de saptamana mi-a adus cel mai asteptat serial – Gilmore Girls.
Nu sunt fana serialelor, obisnuiam sa urmaresc cu domnul meu pe timpul facultatii cateva seriale dar… doar atunci. Totusi, Gilmore Girls l-am revazut de 8 ori caci e serialul anilor de liceu, serialul celor mai bune prietene de liceu, serialul amintirilor primei iubiri, a serilor de duminica petrecute la ” discoteca pentru copii „, visand la un Dean; serialul cu aroma de cafea, asezonat cu umor si sarcasm.
Am intrat in rutina Gilmore Girls in totalitate, ani la randul. Am servit cafeaua la Luke, am mers in fiecare vineri noaptea la cina si la reuniunile orasului. Am avut seri de film pline cu junk food… A fost un stil de viata!
Mi-am „ghidat” pasii timp de cativa ani dupa fragmentele din film si quote-urile care si acum ma starnesc. Evident, am adunat si din cele 4 episoade din A year in the Life cateva quote-uri ce ma si reprezinta. Here:
Gilmore Girls A year in the Life Quotes
Everything in my life has something to do with coffee. I believe in a former life, I was coffee.
I don’t care what anybody says. Needing space is never a good thing. Ever. I mean… this right here is all I will ever need. I never thought that it would happen. That you and me… that we would happen. But we did. Listen, I know I am not the easiest guy in the world to build a life with and to share a house with, but there is no one who will be more here for you than me. I will never leave. I will never think about leaving. I will do whatever it takes to fix what’s wrong.
We have been through so much. I mean, we have… We’ve watched each other go from person to person.
I am not unhappy. I am not unsatisfied!!! This, right here, is all I would ever need… There is no one who will be more here for you than me. You need the space, and I need YOU. You can’t leave. You just can’t leave!!!
Before this thing goes on, you gotta realize: The only way out is in a body bag.
And now we don’t have to write our vows…
It feels… right. Such a long time getting here… sometimes it’s just a journey, you know?
You know, some people might say drinking coffee in the middle of the night could hinder your sleep.
People are dumb.
I thought I knew exactly what I wanted, where I was going, what I was doing and why I was doing. But lately, things seem hazier.
I’m not broken. Maybe just a little chipped.
La sfarsitul celor 4 episoade de final am avut doua reactii: Yes! si NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE, GOD NO!!!
Nu stric finalul celor ce nu l-au vazut, eu l-am anticipat si m-a intristat…
Multumiiiiiiiiiiiim Finalul m-a surprins pe mine ….
Am fost surprinsa de final dar nu in a good way )) multumesc de quotes-uri primele imi plac si mie cel mai mult.
Multumesc astept mai multe
Voi captura si din film.
m-a surprins si pe mine finalul nu l-am vazut asa…..
Ce bine de tine… eu l-am anticipat.
Istoria se repeta
Yeap, circle of life.